Prophylactic dental advice is one of the philosophical protocols of the practice.
Diet plays a major role in causing or preventing dental and gum disease. Soft food (cans) and scraps or treats from the “table” not only imbalances the balanced diets, it induces long-term malnutrition with possible detrimental effects on the teeth, gums, gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, liver and kidneys.
The practice advocates only balanced pet foods in pellet, kibble or biscuit form.
Dental plaque/tartar and periodontal disease have long-term detrimental effects on the heart and kidneys of both cats and dogs e.g. endocarditis, cardiac valve insufficiency (heart murmurs), congestive heart failure, nephritis, renal failure. DIET IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PREVENTION
Dental care is carried out in the surgery.
Senior cats and dogs over 7 years of age may require pre-anaesthetic blood chemistry and placed on an intravenous drip.