Animal Behaviour

bite inhibition

Bite Inhibition

Bite inhibition is a very modern term, used initially in veterinary behaviour circles, for a learnt or inherent ability in a pup to bite an opponent without inflicting damage. The opponent may be another animal or a human. It is natural, normal and necessary for dogs to bite, even from the time their teeth erupt. …

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Pet Urban Legends

Mutt myths and feline fables abound in society. Are urban legends so mysterious and anthropomorphic that they are accepted as gospel above scientific proof? It seems so easy for people to believe nonsense above common sense, imagination above natural evidence, lay people above professionals. Some of the more common myths need to be shared with …

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life skills for dogs

Teaching Pets Life Skills

Puppy socialization classes has been in the media and on the lips of everyone involved in canine activities for over two decades. While those pet owners who fail to socialize, let alone train, their dogs live their lives expounding excuses for their animals’ unruly, unpredictable and unsociable behaviour – and they will, out of sheer …

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hierarchy of dogs

The hierarchy system of dogs

Dogs live in a linear hierarchy system similar to army rankings or the human caste system of certain cultures. Dogs are, instinctively, not adapted to the democratic approach meted out by most pet owners. Doting animal lovers feel that all their dogs should be treated equally because “shame” why pat the one and not the …

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human dog relationship

Animal Behaviour Charlatans

Over the past three decades there has been an emergence of a wide variety of animal behaviour and animal-related charlatans. There used to be a national roving dog psychologist who diagnosed every behaviour disorder of dogs to be attributed to hunger. If a dog chased motor cars it was hungry. If a dog bit children …

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